Tuesday, September 28, 2010

Keep it Classy

 Diane Sawyer has reported in countries across the globe, including Afghanistn, Saudi Arabia, Southeast Asia, Moscow, Egypt, and North Korea where she was the first American journalist to ever report live. Sawyer has covered hard hitting stories in America such as reporting live in New Orleans after Hurricane Katrina and from Ground Zero. Sawyer is recognized for her impressive investigative journalism as well; her documentaries research topics like warehousing of Russian children and the life of a woman in maximum security where she actually spent two days and nights with inmates. Everything she reports about and investigates is exactly what I would like to with my journalism career.
Sawyers' accomplishments prove that a woman can venture into the world, travel to dangerous places, and still report just as well as any male reporter. I want to be able to travel to Africa, Russia, or Asia and report events that are happening world-wide. With Diane Sawyer's work, I know it is possible to accomplish such a job. It is not just Sawyers' work that I admire, but also her character as well. 
During the Watergate scandal, Sawyer was suspected of being Deep Throat, the source of classified information leaks. Sawyer's character was questioned but she handled the situation with class. Instead of fighting the people pointing blame at herself, she laughed the situation off. When people are put under pressure, their true personality emerges. With this scandal, Sawyer kept her dignity, an impressive task. 
Diane Sawyer's work and character have impacted my life. I now have a career path I want to pursue and a person to model while I embark on my journalism career. 

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